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Blue Flash 10/2023

Manila Blues (No Fake News)

Is it not clear that ING is circumventing the Renault Act with the new collective agreement Business Evolutions 2023-2025 by letting employees leave in instalments?

We do not believe it is necessary to move hundreds of jobs to Manila to be able to provide a better customer experience in the future.

Those who said that Route24's real goals would be to simplify our processes and put the customer first have lied to us.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Route2C4?

Just as the war in Ukraine is seen by some as a simple military operation, others speak of an evolution of the business rather than a reorganization.

We don't know where this will lead us, but as employees, we are in great uncertainty.

As employees, can we still act as true ambassadors of ING, embodying the orange code, motivating others?

This social dumping leads to unfair competition and a serious attack on our social security system.

It ensures that, as Belgian workers, we are excluded from the market.

To be continued !

Want to join our team?

The Liberal Union is independent of any political party. “Liberal” must be understood in the first sense of the word: it is you who decide the path to follow, we do not impose our vision.

You have a real impact on your working conditions and those of your colleagues

Your commitment has a real impact on your life and that of your colleagues.

Join us! (French version)

Good news for cyclists, but watch out for...

More and more workers are cycling to work. In almost all cases, they are entitled to the bicycle allowance for each kilometer traveled for their return journeys between home and work. It currently amounts to a maximum of 0.27 euros per kilometer, tax-exempt.

It will increase to a maximum of 0.35 euros per kilometer from next year. This is an increase of 30%.

But watch out for the traps! Read our note for full details (French version)

Time credit and thematic leave

Do you want more time or do you want to slow down at the end of your career?

Over your entire career, you can take 2 forms of time credit: time credit with reason and end-of-career time credit. You can receive an allowance from Onem to compensate for loss of salary.

AR on the purchasing power bonus published

As the government has decided to set the maximum salary margin for 2023 and 2024 at 0%, no salary increase is unfortunately possible at present, excluding indexation and scale increases. However, companies that performed well in 2022 can now grant a one-off purchasing power bonus to their workers.

The purchasing power bonus in brief

  • the purchasing power bonus can only be granted from 1.6.2023 to 31.12.2023 to workers of companies that achieved a high or exceptionally high profit in 2022 or who have performed well during the crisis;

  • the premium cannot exceed €500 or €750, and depends on what your sector or company decides (at ING €500);

  • the premium must be paid in the form of a check (expiration date 12/31/2024) and only applies to the purchase of products that can normally be paid with meal vouchers or ecocheques; These are in principle electronic checks, but paper checks are not prohibited;

  • the bonus is not taxable, but the employer pays a 16.5% contribution to the NSSO.

Do you have any questions? Contact your ACLVB-CGSLB representative or send your email to:BE-CGSLB-ACLVB


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