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Blue Flash 11/2022

"Increase your Flex budget by transferring an amount from your baremic monthly salary". Good idea?

St. Nicholas is fast approaching, and ING will be bringing the big saint with it in a very creative package.

Which gift will you choose?

It is our duty to react and to warn you following the HR message of 07/11 which reminds and encourages you to increase your Flex Budget by transferring an amount of your monthly salary.

As a reminder, please note that your salary is indexed BUT NOT your Flex Budget! Moreover, the transfer is irrevocable and irreversible.

The impact goes far beyond the simple non-indexation. The compensation provided for by the collective labour agreement in the event of a transfer from your salary scale to the Flex budget does not fully compensate for all the loss of salary.

A transfer from your salary scale to your Flex budget will slow down the evolution of your Flex even more.

Finally, from a tax point of view, the Flex Budget is not considered as a salary with all its consequences.

AXA slashes indexation of wages: An avoidable precedent for the banking and insurance sector.

ACLVB/CGSLB left every worker free to participate or not in the 9 November actions.

The most important thing for us was to send a clear message to employers and governments. Purchasing power must be safeguarded.

Many of us stood in front of Axa Bank's headquarters during this day of action to protest against the plans of the management there to limit wage indexation.

This was a strong support for our colleagues and a strong signal to Axa's management, which is trying to touch salary indexation: a precedent that is unacceptable for the banking and insurance sector!

LeavING (Your freedom, your voice)

A trendy topic. How many emails entitled "LeavING" have I received this year!

Management is now addressing the issue but is far from understanding and solving the problem..

The key word is that you have to perform well and immediately. The key word, the traitorous word, is "time". The time that is running out, the time that we are running after, the time that is all.

When you hire, the newcomer has to be able to handle everything right away. An hour or two of handover and you have to be able to do the other person's job. Time for training is out of the question, it costs too much. Managers must target the person they hire well because otherwise they have to take someone else who is faster, more capable, more available, in other words, more profitable. Let's not fool ourselves (and I'm sure you've seen this phenomenon just as I have), if we are not available for much longer than the working time stipulated in the contract binding us to ING, it is impossible to go the distance. We are expected to have an immediate capacity which we generally acquire after several years of experience. We have to train outside of our normal working hours, extend our working hours to take on everything we are given to do. And when we have acquired this experience, we are no longer listened to because we are reluctant and do not want to rush in knowing the complexity of ING, as the less experienced still full of illusions would do. But no matter where we are, we are not good enough because we can always do better, and the work does not move fast enough to meet the demands of all the company's projects. We have to cut costs and to do that staff have to work faster, respond to customers faster, forget about the relationship and cut corners. You have to automate. Be robots, dear staff members! Stress is increasing everywhere, stress that leads to mistakes, mistakes that lead to more stress. This does not make us more productive, on the contrary.

And what? Living like this every day? To be bored at work and have no time or energy for anything else?


If the purpose was meaningful, if we had the impression that what we do is expected, useful, worthwhile, it might be worth it ... I'm talking about real recognition. Not from a manager who tells you that you did a good job because you got an extra bar. No. Visible recognition from our clients, our colleagues, our friends. Those friends who have been telling us about their problems with ING for some time and who are also reluctantly telling us (thinking of us) about LeavING. It is thanks to this recognition that we would feel proud of ourselves.

According to the company values transposed to ING, the important thing is to deliver new features in a nice package, the content has become secondary. It is better to have a small piece of content that enhances the initiator and does not take time than a complete and thoughtful piece of content that costs too much and is not talked about. And above all, there is this culture of "think of yourself first", of what you want to do and become, and put in place a strategy to achieve it. Because today, you have to play it cool to climb the ladder quickly. And when you play it cool, it doesn't matter what you leave, in what state you leave it and what happens after you leave. This is the model to follow, judging by the attitude of the management.

Moreover, a departure is not always replaced, a departure often leaves a place vacant for some time. A connection point linking several threads of the ING web disappears and it is up to us to look for a new way to find the information that went with that connection. It is said that each of us is a book. The ING library has become much poorer in recent years. Encyclopaedias have been replaced by simple books, which in turn have been replaced by booklets. We will end up with flyers. The level is decreasing and the transmission is becoming more and more succinct.

It was necessary to clean up, to get rid of the useless documentation, we have often been encouraged to do so since 2016.

Rest assured dear leaders, it will soon be done. You were happy to get rid of the encyclopaedias, then the books started to leave the ship and now you are wondering why the fascicles are doing the rounds! It takes a lot of booklets stuck together to stand upright on a shelf just like a book does. It takes a lot of books to make an encyclopaedia. By reducing the number of people with knowledge, you have created an increased need for staff. And an imbalance in knowledge.

No we are not interchangeable as you seem to think... and it is because you think so that some of us are leaving.

By setting unachievable targets for employees, an overwhelming amount of work, limited time to talk to the customer, rather than ensuring that there are enough workers to do the job, you end up putting quantity before quality.

Results: employees and customers take a side road on Route 24: the leavING path.... and not necessarily the employees or the one million customers that ING would like to see leave!

Banks (CP 310): Indexation + 2.37%.

From 1 November, your basic salary will increase by 2.37%. This is because the CP 310 (banks) in which you work provides for indexation at sector level. The CGSLB advocates better working conditions and wages at sector level. Your membership strengthens your voice at the negotiating table.

Adjustments to the time credit and thematic leave systems from 1 January 2023

Are you currently in a time credit system, for example to look after your children? Or are you thinking of applying for one in the near future? If so, you should know that from 1 January 2023, certain rules will change.

The central government has recently decided to reduce time credit and thematic leave. What is particularly striking is the tightening of the conditions of access (minimum length of work interruption and seniority) for taking time credit.

For you, this means that there will be fewer opportunities to take time credit with cause. We would like to stress here that nothing will change for end-of-career jobs!

As most of the measures will already come into force on 1 January 2023, it is important that you are informed in time. What do these changes mean for your personal situation? And is it worthwhile to apply again this year (i.e. before 01/01/2023)?

The concrete changes are listed as concisely as possible on our website.

Your right to disconnect

The well-being of workers in the banking sector is a top priority for the CGSLB. The availability required for your work plays an important role in this.

The ACLVB/CGSLB has concluded a sectoral agreement to ensure the necessary guarantees in terms of separation between professional and private life for workers.

Companies have until 1 January 2023 to conclude an agreement on the right to disconnect. If there is no company agreement by that date, the sectoral provisions on the right to disconnect will automatically come into force.

Below we list some of the provisions of the agreement:

Employers and workers shall ensure that they do not contact their colleagues outside normal working hours (i.e. the hours mentioned in the work regulations/individual employment contract or collective agreement) unless there are exceptional and unforeseen reasons that require action that cannot wait until the next working period.

The employee shall not be prejudiced if he/she does not answer the telephone or read work-related messages outside his/her normal working hours, unless the employee performs a critical function or it has been agreed otherwise in advance;

As professional and individual needs vary greatly, it is advisable to exchange views on the issues of disconnection and the use of digital communication means by team/department in order to establish their own functioning.

If you still have questions about this, you can always contact us.

Labour market reform

The labour market reform has been approved by the Parliament! Find some notes by topic here :

  • Right to disconnect. Employers with 20 or more employees must respect their employees’ right to disconnect after working hours, and revise their collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) or work policies by 1 January 2023. However, employers subject to a national or industry sectoral CBA are not required to conclude a company-level CBA or adjust their work rules.

  • Notification of work schedule for part-time employees. Employers with 20 or more employees must provide seven days advance notification — up from five. For employees subject to sectoral CBAs, the minimum notification requirement increased to three days — up from one. Work rules must be amended within nine months of the labor deal entering into force.

  • Training obligations. Employers with more than 20 employees must grant four training days in 2023, and five days in 2024. Employers with 10 to 20 employees must grant each employee one training day per year. Training leave can be prorated for part-time employees. Employees must draw up a training plan before 31 March every year — for 2023, the deadline is 30 November 2022.

  • Improved severance measures. Employees with notice periods of 30 weeks or more will be entitled to employment enhancing measures (such as outplacement and training) for one-third of their notice period. Employers will pay up to the value of one-third of the employer’s social security contributions payable during the notice period. Employees paid an indemnity payment in lieu of notice must be available for employability-promoting activities.

  • Self-employed platform workers. Companies will have to provide physical damage insurance to those workers.

  • Night work. E-commerce employers could introduce work-at-night policies on a trial basis for up to 18 months.

  • Flexible work schedules. Employers can introduce a four-day week for some employees without increasing working time, and if they do so, must adjust their work rules accordingly. Such arrangements are capped at six months, but are renewable on request to the employer. Employers could also allow employees to work a varied schedule over successive two-week periods, such as more work hours in one week, and fewer hours in the second.

  • Working for another employer. During an employee’s notice period, employers could allow the employee to work for another employer (the original employer continues to pay the employee’s salary). In such cases, the work must be organized through temporary employment agencies or by regional employment offices, and the details included in an agreement between all the parties.

World Cup in Qatar: a low score for workers' rights!

The FIFA World Cup in Qatar has started and the teams are playing for a place in history. The clock is ticking and it is time for FIFA and Qatar to compensate the migrant workers who have been exploited and abused to make this competition possible. Read more

ACLVB/CGSLB takes your interests to heart.

You probably still have questions and we would like to know your opinion.

You can always send your comments and questions to: BE-CGSLB-ACLVB

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Read more about all the benefits in our brochure !


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