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UFR European Works Council

Here are your 3 new representatives on ING’s European Works Council (EWC).

Many of us believe that many of the decisions affecting our work and the bank are made at ING group level and this trend keeps accelerating.

It is in order to manage this transnational aspect that the legislator requires international groups such as ING to have a European Works Council in order to consult and inform workers’ representatives.   It is therefore extremely important to be able to make your voice heard there with quality representatives!

According to the statutes of the European Works Council (EEC) of ING, the representatives of the Works Council of ING Belgium had to appoint for the next 4 years the Belgian representatives.    Unfortunately, since it was not possible to rally everyone behind a single proposal, it was necessary to hold an election by a democratic majority[1].

While respecting differences, the common theme of these three representatives is to bring about change and more transparency in the EWC consultation process for the benefit of all staff.

[1]  As a reminder, no trade union has a democratically elected majority at national level in ING. In accordance with the request of colleagues, we want all the unions to work together in the interests of the staff. We regret that this is not currently the case.

The SETCa/BBTK, CNC/NCK and CGSLB/ACLVB together obtained more than 56% of the votes in the works council in the last elections. So the decision was logically taken 14 to 11.   It should be noted that from a single mathematical point of view, only two of the three fractions were sufficient.   But this vote reflects the common desire of the three parties to have the greatest possible representativeness.

Your three representatives are

Bart Peeters, ACLVB/CGSLB Ahmed Sanhayi, SETCa/BBTK Pierre Pirson CNC/NCK

The European Works Council (EWC), what is it?

The EWC is a body representing workers employed in a Community-scale undertaking or group of undertakings.  Through this body (or a procedure in its place), workers are informed and consulted on matters of a transnational nature.   The EWC (or the procedure) is responsible for matters of a transnational nature.  The aim is, in particular, to enable the employees of the undertakings concerned to be informed and consulted by management when decisions affecting them are taken in a Member State other than that in which they work.Source : SPF Emploi Comité d'entreprise européen | SPF Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale (


[1]  As a reminder, no trade union has a democratically elected majority at national level in ING. In accordance with the request of colleagues, we want all the unions to work together in the interests of the staff. We regret that this is not currently the case.

The SETCa/BBTK, CNC/NCK and CGSLB/ACLVB together obtained more than 56% of the votes in the works council in the last elections. So the decision was logically taken 14 to 11.   It should be noted that from a single mathematical point of view, only two of the three fractions were sufficient.   But this vote reflects the common desire of the three parties to have the greatest possible representativeness.


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