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Blue Flash 12/2023

Eco vouchers and purchasing power premium

Traditionally, in December you will receive 250 euros of Eco Pass to buy ecological products.

In addition, you will also receive a one-off purchasing power bonus of 500 euros net in December. The amount will be deposited on your Sodexo Card in the form of Consumption Pass. With this, you can purchase food and ecological products.

As previously reported by ACLVB, it will not be possible to increase the value of meal vouchers from 2024 because the relevant legal texts have not been approved. As compensation, a one-off amount of 200 euros net will be deposited on your Sodexo Card.

However, we deplore the lack of neutrality in the management's latest communication to all social partners and not just run a promotional campaign for those who facilitate the management's business evolutions. We expect some objectivity and neutrality from the board ahead of the 2024 social elections.


ACLVB/CGSLB again number one on electoral list

On Wednesday 22/11, little Ilyana's innocent little hands chose the numbers on the union lists for the upcoming social elections in May 2024.

Number 1 was once again awarded to our union ACLVB.

The social elections will take place from May 13 to 26, 2024. The 150-day social election procedure will begin on 15 December. During the social elections, employee representatives will be elected in almost 7,000 Belgian companies to sit on the participation bodies at company level, more specifically the committee for prevention and protection at work and the works council.


Become a candidate !

Boost consultations!

Stand up for ACLVB/CGSLB

Social elections will take place again in May 2024. The perfect time to make your voice heard in your workplace. But not only your voice, also the voice of your colleagues!


Manilla Blues II

As recently as late September, the management denied that there were any concrete plans for restructuring.

Consequently, credibility in our management has now taken a huge hit after the recent announcements in the Works Council. The outsourcing of jobs to the Philippines continues tirelessly. An estimated 80 jobs would be involved this time. ING apparently has no problem moving numerous jobs to low-wage countries like the Philippines. Wasn't our Orange Code linked to culture and ethics ?

Apparently, our employer seems to prioritise reducing costs as much as possible and transferring jobs to a country where workers' rights to a fair income and safe and healthy working conditions are not respected to our standards.

We still do not have a clear figure on how many people are being targeted to leave the bank (by subsequent evolutions).

Clearly, therefore, the choice not to sign the evolution collective agreements was the right one. We thank our red colleagues for having followed our choice not to sign. However, we regret that the Christian union has signed these collective agreements despite the ambiguity that is still denounced. To each of us, it rather looks like a covert restructuring without the application of the Renault law.


PC 310 reconciliation office

We had hoped to reach an agreement on 21 November to settle the dispute of our disputes with our employer. It was already the third time we came together to reach a solution on the Medexel file (reimbursement of medicines up to €250) as well as to get the social dialogue back on track.

Such a conciliation office is composed of a chairman, a secretary and members from the workers' and employers' delegations. Unanimity, however, is required to make a recommendation to the conflicting parties. We failed to reach a common position after several hours and the proceedings were terminated with a record of non-conciliation.

It seems that being a union is the only way to take the social struggle to court.


Sector news PC 310

Good news! From 1 November, your baremic pay will increase by 0.27%. This is because the Parirair Committee of Banks (PC 310*) in which you work provides for indexation at sector level. The ACLVB/CGSLB is campaining better working and wage conditions at sector level. Thanks to your membership, you strengthen this voice at the negotiating table.


The new Flex Policy is coming

The Flex Policy will have a number of changes back from January 2024.

We mention the most important ones here:

For example, it will no longer be possible to order new cars with fuel from 31/12/2023.

The moment of choice for Flex Pensions and Flex Holiday days will be postponed to 01/01/2024.

Benefit B-parking will henceforth be in the mobility offer instead of Flex options. This is because the parking policy in the main buildings in Brussels has been changed and there is less space for employees to park their cars still in the building. This will be felt especially with the move to Marnix. Broad communication for this is planned from the week of 27/11/2023.


Gross net calculator

What is the impact on my salary?

You can simulate gross and net pay on this page. However, did you know that ACLVB offers a more comprehensive service? Some of the questions we can answer for you:

My employer offers me a pay rise. But what do I effectively keep from this?

I have found a new job, but how much salary should I ask for in order not to lose net income.

With the arrival of our second child, I am considering taking parental leave, but how much income will our family lose as a result?

At the end of my career, I want to slow down, I just don't know whether to take half-time or 4/5th landing job. How much income will I lose in either system?


We can make calculations not only on a monthly basis, but also on an annual basis. Moreover, the tax situation can also be taken into account.

Interested? Contact your local ACLVB secretariat. They will be happy to help you further.


Do you have any further questions ? Contact your ACLVB/CGSLB representative or send a mail to BE-CGSLB-ACLVB


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