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Blue Flash 04+/2024

Bonus (* Source: People Services)

This bonus will be paid on 30 April 2024 (after approval of the accounts at the Annual General Meeting on 22/04/2024).

Terms and conditions

  • At least three months' seniority as at 04/01/2024 (on a fixed-term or permanent contract). To qualify for the bonus (pro rata to your service), you must therefore have been employed no later than 04/10/2023.

  • The amount will be adjusted in proportion to the number of hours worked in 2023. Part-time work and non-assimilated absences are therefore taken into account according to the following criteria:

For members of staff who entered service BEFORE 01/04/2021, the following parameters are taken into account for the calculation:

  • The grade as at 31/12/2008

  • Function class as at 31/03/2021 (which you can find on your March 2021 pay slip). Please note : changes in grade after this date will not be taken into account.

A comparison is made between the amount obtained on the basis of the grade on 31/12/2008 and the amount obtained on the basis of the function class on 31/03/2021. You will automatically be paid the higher of the two amounts.

The table below shows the net amount for people who have worked full-time at ING throughout 2023 (for equivalent periods, see People Services).

 Function class 




 < 5 years 

 from 5 years to 14 years 

 from 15 to 19 years

 from 20 years





























































For all employees, employed from 1/04/2021, below you will find the net amounts of the sum of the profit premium and the non-recurring benefit linked to results for staff who worked full-time with ING for the whole of 2023 (for assimilated periods please see above).

From 3 months to under 5 years 

 From 5 years to under 15 years 

 From 15 to under 20 years 

 From 20 years 





The amount of the non-recurring benefit linked to results will be included on your tax statement 281.10, under heading 242. This entry allows the tax authorities to check that the benefit does not exceed the maximum exempt amount as prescribed by law. 

This amount should be entered under heading 1242 of your tax return (heading 2242 if you fill out a joint return with your partner). 

The additional bonus of €1,500 net is not yet included in the above tables/amounts. This is just a one-off payment that will not happen again in the coming years. Because 1 union signed the latest collective agreement last year, this privilege expires.

This bonus was largely meant to compensate for the reduction in profit share and this for employees hired from 01/04/2021.

At the time, we had also not signed this CLA in 2021 because of the negative impact on mainly grade 13 and above positions for these employees hired from 1/4/2021.

During the previous CLA negotiations, this benefit of this extra bonus was removed again after only 2 years because it was supposedly unrealistic for the management. Still strange just now that the target was met.

This bonus was intended to compensate for the reduction in profit share in 2021with negative impact on purchasing power for employees hired from 01/04/2021 and for grade 13 and above positions in particular.                                                                                       

We had also did not sign this CLA at the time because it was clear to ACLVB-CGSLB that it was never actually intended to pay out this bonus.

Understandably disappointing for all of us, as no compensation can match the loss of this amount for the next few years. Especially new recruits at ING are losing purchasing power here.

Discover our candidates for the Social Elections 2024

VOTE 1 : Let's present our program for the next 4 years :

Our strengths: The Liberal Union gives priority to consultation. We want both the worker and the company to progress. Only when all possibilities for negotiation have been exhausted do we take tougher action. In addition, a professional trade union team and other specialists are there to support the delegates and activists in their commitment.

However, for the CGSLB, life isn't just about work, which is why we want to help you even more with our one-stop shop. With our 360° service offering, you can now benefit from our expertise and the most up-to-date advice on taxation, career support, bonuses and financial assistance, supplementary income, working across the border, inheritance law, property tenancy agreements, living arrangements, digital support and mobility. Don't hesitate to come and ask your questions, and invite your family and friends to do the same.

Communication to all ING staff removed

The proposal was to allow the unions to send a one-off email to all staff to present their themes for upcoming social elections. Despite the efforts of the various groups and the goodwill of the management, there was no unanimous agreement. However, the one union that signed last collective agreement was not interested. Further debate did not yield further consensus.


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